Pavlov completed this groundbreaking study from 1891 to 1900.He used to put meat powder in the dog's mouth in a special way at a certain time every day.If meat powder was put in the dog's mouth, saliva would be excreted. This is a normal process.He would then ring the bell a few seconds before putting the meat powder in the dog's mouth.At first the dog would raise its ears when it heard the bell. But it would not salivate.From then on, when the dog rang the bell, he realized that he would be fed now, and when he heard the sound of the bell, saliva came out of his mouth.The dog became accustomed to this process and was seen salivating only when the bell rang.He saw this as a combination of physiology and psychology. Pavlov was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1904 for his research. Any one natural stimulus can naturally create a stimulus.But if an animal is accustomed to associating a neutral stimulus with this natural stimulus, then only a neutr...
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