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Bolton Book Bombshells: Trump Is Corrupt and Weird as F**k

Bolton Book Bombshells

 While Trumpis having a temper tantrum about the Supreme Court,his real fury has been reserved for formernational security advisor and full-time "Got Milk" adJohn Bolton. Because, as you probablyheard by now, Bolton is about to releasea tell-all book spilling all the tea from his timein the White House. And even though the bookhasn't come out yet, it's already a riveting read.

REPORTER: Boltonconfirms President Trump explicitly linkedmilitary aid to Ukraine to investigations of formerVice President Joe Biden, the central claim that led tothe president being impeached. Bolton alleges President Trumpexpressed a willingness to haltcriminal investigations, "to, in effect, give personalfavors to dictators he liked," citing casesinvolving China and Turkey. REPORTER 2: At one pointtelling the Turkish president he would replaceSouthern District of New York prosecutorsto make an investigation into a Turkish firm go away. REPORTER 3: Foremoston Trump's mind, at all times, was reelection.One example, says Bolton-- the president askingChina's President Xi to buy soybeans and wheat to help win the supportof farmers, quote, "pleading with Xito ensure he'd win." Man, that is wild. According to Bolton,Trump's shady dealings with other countrieswent far beyond Ukraine. 

He was promising to personallykill any investigations into Turkish companies,and he was begging China to help him win reelection. And, you know...that's not just corrupt, it's also really embarrassing. 'Cause Bolton's bookmakes Trump sound less like a president and more like a crackheadwho's out of cash. Come on, Xi,just help me get one more term, just get me one more term,and I'll suck your... Did I tell you aboutmy electoral college win? So strong. Now, remember,John Bolton is not some lefty heroof the resistance, no. He's a Republican,through and through. He worked with George W. Bushand his father and Ronald Reagan. He also ran a majorGOP super PAC and he was a paid commentatoron Fox News, so he's as Republicanas an assault rifle giving a lectureon trickle-down economics. So Bolton revealing these thingsabout Trump should at least spark some concern, becausenot only does he accuse Trump of abusing the presidencyto keep himself in power, but it turns out Trump might be even more ignorantthan we thought.

 REPORTER:Bolton paints a picture of a highly uninformedand impulsive president. In excerpts of his book,The Room Where it Happened, Bolton says President Trumpdid not know Britain was a nuclear power and asked if Finlandwas part of Russia. Sweet Lord. How do you become the presidentof the United States without knowingif Finland is its own country? I mean, I-I don'texpect much from Trump, but if he doesn't even knowabout the white countries, then what chancedoes Papua New Guinea have? So... it's not a surprise that there's a lot of stuffthat Trump doesn't know. But don't let that fool youinto thinking that he doesn't know what he's doing. Because, in the book,Bolton also reveals how one shocking momentfrom Trump's presidency was actuallya carefully thought-out plan. GLORIA BORGER: In Novemberof 2018, Trump came under fire for writingan unfettered defense of the Saudi crown prince, littered with exclamationpoints over the killing of the Post columnistJamal Khashoggi.

 But according to Bolton's book, the main goal of the missive was to take away attentionfrom a story about Ivanka Trumpusing her personal e-mail for government business. And here's the quote. "This will divert from Ivanka,"Trump said," according to the book, "ifI read the statement in person, that will take overthe Ivanka thing." That's right. Bolton says that Trumpchose to personally defend Saudi Arabia's dictatorover the murder of a journalist just to take attention awayfrom Ivanka using a private e-mail accountfor government business. And I'm sorry, but that's likelighting yourself on fire to distract from the factthat you farted. I mean, I get why Trumpwanted to distract from Ivanka usinga private e-mail, aka "pulling a Hillary Clinton." But if you just wantto distract the media, there are way lesshorrifying ways to do it. You know? Like maybe... maybe streakacross the White House lawn. Or eat a vegetablefor the first time. Breaking news--the president has ingested a piece of broccoli. We'll bring youaround-the-clock coverage as we wait to seehow his body reacts. And I don't know about you,but I'll never be able to trustanother Trump scandal again. Like, does he actually thinkMexicans are rapists? Or was he just tryingto distract from the mustard on his shirt? So, I don't know.Selling out your credibility and abandoning America's ideals just to get your daughterout of a jam-- that seems pretty awful to me. But, on the other hand... I don't remember shitabout Ivanka's e-mail scandal. So hey, I guess it worked. So... just from the excerptsthat we've seen, John Bolton's bookhas painted Trump as corrupt, dumb and amoral. But my favorite thing that hascome out of this book so far, it also shows that Trump is,like, really weird.

 NEWSMAN: As The Washington Postreported today, "In the monthsfollowing the summit, "Bolton describedTrump's inordinate interest "in Secretary of StateMike Pompeo "deliveringa Trump autographed copy "of Elton John's 'Rocket Man'on CD to Kim "during Pompeo'sfollow-on visit to North Korea. "Trump had used the term'Little Rocket Man' "to criticizethe North Korean leader, "but subsequently triedto convince Kim "that it was a termof affection. "Getting this CD to Kimremained a high priority for several months." (sighs):Yup, you heard that right. The Presidentof the United States obsessed with getting a CDto Kim Jong-un, like some teenager givinga mix tape to his crush. (like Trump):You got to listen to track five. It reminds me of the timewhen you said you were gonna loseyour nuclear weapons, but then you didn't. So tricky. You know, this might actuallyexplain why nuclear negotiations between America and North Koreabroke down. 'Cause can you imaginebeing Kim Jong-un and then getting a signed CDfrom Elton John, but it's signed by Donald Trump? I mean, like,that's like getting an autographedMichael Jordan jersey, but it's signed by Donald Trump! There's no way to make it moreof a joke! This is the joke! These were jokes. It's also weirdthat Trump thinks Kim Jong-un listens to CDs.

 Dude, he's the presidentof North Korea. The man listens to cassettes. So these are just someof the crazy details that have come out of this book. And it turns out there aremany other things as well. Like Trump encouraging China to put their Muslim populationin a detainment camp, or saying that journalistsdeserve to be executed, or even that invading Venezuelawould be "cool." Yeah. It doesn't end. Now... Trump's responseto all of these revelations has been pretty predictable. He claims that Bolton is lying, and that he's justa "disgruntled boring fool." Which is basically what he saysabout any former employees who criticized him. He's also suing Boltonto try and prevent the book from being released. Because clearly,Trump is afraid that this book is going to tarnishhis reputation. But, Mr. President... don't worry about that at all, because whatever isin this book, I promise you, will in no way changeour opinion of you. Well, that's our showfor tonight, but before we go, The Daily Show and ComedyCentral have been donating to three groups who are fighting against police brutalityand systemic racism-- The NAACP Legal Defense Fund, The Equal Justice Initiative,and The Bail Project. Now, if you would like to helpout and you have the means, then please goto the following link and donate whatever you can. 


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